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The work of scientists can often seem mysterious and intimidating to the nonscientist. No longer! Introducing an exciting perspective on the important work of scientists in all areas of research and study. Scientists in the Field show people immersed in the unpredictable and dynamic natural world, making science more accessible, relevant, and exciting to young readers. Far from the research laboratory, these books show first-hand adventures in the great outdoors - adventures with a purpose. From climbing into a snake den with thousands of slithering snakes to tracking wolves, readers experience the thrill of discovering the unknown.


Scientists in the Field Book List:

This series can be read in any order.

Book 1: Once A Wolf: How Wildlife Biologists Fought to Bring Back the Gray Wolf
Ages 10 - 15. March 26, 1999
AR: 7.5 (1.0 Points, Quiz #31639)
GLE: 8.5;  F&P/GRL: V;  DRA: 40

Book 2: The Snake Scientist
Ages 10 - 15. March 26, 1999
AR: 6.4 (1.0 Points, Quiz #34744)
GLE: 6.7;  F&P/GRL: V;  DRA: 40

Book 3: Digging for Bird Dinosaurs: An Expedition to Madagascar
Ages 10 - 15. April 24, 2000
AR: 6.9 (1.0 Points, Quiz #41509)
GLE: 7.3;  F&P/GRL: V;  DRA: 70

Book 4: The Wildlife Detectives: How Forensic Scientists Fight Crimes Against Nature
Ages 10 - 15. April 24, 2000
AR: 7.4 (1.0 Points, Quiz #41517)
GLE: 7.9;  F&P/GRL: W;  DRA: 60

Book 5: Swimming with Hammerhead Sharks
Ages 10 - 15. March 26, 2001
AR: 7.9 (1.0 Points, Quiz #51233)
GLE: 8.1;  F&P/GRL: W

Book 6: Anthropologist: Scientist of the People
Ages 10 - 15. September 24, 2001
AR: 7.0 (2.0 Points, Quiz #53620)

Book 7: Hidden Worlds: Looking Through a Scientist's Microscope
Ages 10 - 15. September 24, 2001
AR: 7.0 (1.0 Points, Quiz #53629)
GLE: 6.5;  F&P/GRL: W;  DRA: 50

Book 8: The Bug Scientists
Ages 10 - 15. March 26, 2002
AR: 7.8 (1.0 Points, Quiz #58900)
GLE: 7.7;  F&P/GRL: V

Book 9: Looking for Life in the Universe: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Ages 10 - 15. September 30, 2002
AR: 6.9 (1.0 Points, Quiz #66477)

Book 10: Project Ultraswan
Ages 10 - 15. September 30, 2002
AR: 6.2 (1.0 Points, Quiz #63023)
GLE: 6.3;  F&P/GRL: U;  DRA: 50

Book 11: Secrets of Sound: Studying the Calls of Whales, Elephants, and Birds
Ages 10 - 15. September 30, 2002
AR: 7.4 (2.0 Points, Quiz #66479)

Book 12: The Woods Scientist
Ages 10 - 15. September 30, 2002
AR: 7.0 (1.0 Points, Quiz #67762)

Book 13: The Tarantula Scientist
Ages 10 - 15. March 23, 2004
AR: 5.8 (2.0 Points, Quiz #77552)
GLE: 5.6;  F&P/GRL: W;  DRA: 60

Book 14: Gorilla Doctors: Saving Endangered Great Apes
Ages 10 - 15. May 27, 2005
AR: 6.2 (1.0 Points, Quiz #86192)
GLE: 5.9;  F&P/GRL: W;  DRA: 60

Book 15: The Prairie Builders: Reconstructing America's Lost Grasslands
Ages 10 - 15. May 30, 2005
AR: 7.3 (1.0 Points, Quiz #86196)
GLE: 8.3;  F&P/GRL: W;  DRA: 60

Book 16: Diving to a Deep-Sea Volcano
Ages 10 - 15. October 2, 2006
AR: 8.5 (2.0 Points, Quiz #110719)
GLE: 8.9

Book 17: The Quest for the Tree Kangaroo: An Expedition to the Cloud Forest of New Guinea
Ages 10 - 15. October 30, 2006
AR: 5.3 (2.0 Points, Quiz #109814)
GLE: 6.2;  F&P/GRL: U;  DRA: 50

Book 18: Tracking Trash: Flotsam, Jetsam, and the Science of Ocean Motion
Ages 10 - 15. March 26, 2007
AR: 8.5 (2.0 Points, Quiz #113694)
GLE: 10.9;  F&P/GRL: X;  DRA: 60

Book 19: Emi and the Rhino Scientist
Ages 10 - 15. October 22, 2007
AR: 5.6 (2.0 Points, Quiz #118043)

Book 20: The Whale Scientists: Solving the Mystery of Whale Strandings
Ages 10 - 15. November 12, 2007
AR: 8.2 (2.0 Points, Quiz #118044)

Book 21: Mysterious Universe: Supernovae, Dark Energy, and Black Holes
Ages 10 - 15. May 5, 2008
AR: 7.5 (2.0 Points, Quiz #121990)

Book 22: Science Warriors: The Battle Against Invasive Species
Ages 10 - 15. October 27, 2008
AR: 7.6 (2.0 Points, Quiz #125825)

Book 23: Extreme Scientists: Exploring Nature's Mysteries from Perilous Places
Ages 10 - 15. May 4, 2009
AR: 7.6 (2.0 Points, Quiz #129823)

Book 24: The Frog Scientist
Ages 10 - 15. July 1, 2009
AR: 6.3 (1.0 Points, Quiz #131142)

Book 25: Saving the Ghost of the Mountain: An Expedition Among Snow Leopards in Mongolia
Ages 10 - 15. August 17, 2009
AR: 5.5 (3.0 Points, Quiz #131941)

Book 26: Whaling Season: A Year in the Life of an Arctic Whale Scientist
Ages 10 - 15. November 23, 2009
AR: 7.3 (2.0 Points, Quiz #133625)

Book 27: The Hive Detectives: Chronicle of a Honey Bee Catastrophe
Ages 10 - 15. May 3, 2010
AR: 7.5 (2.0 Points, Quiz #136418)

Book 28: Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World's Strangest Parrot
Ages 10 - 15. May 24, 2010
AR: 6.4 (3.0 Points, Quiz #136550)
GLE: 7.4;  F&P/GRL: W;  DRA: 60

Book 29: Project Seahorse
Ages 10 - 15. July 12, 2010
AR: 6.6 (1.0 Points, Quiz #138021)

Book 30: The Bat Scientists
Ages 10 - 15. September 6, 2010
AR: 6.2 (2.0 Points, Quiz #139122)

Book 31: The Manatee Scientists: Saving Vulnerable Species
Ages 10 - 15. April 11, 2011
AR: 8.4 (3.0 Points, Quiz #143207)

Book 32: The Elephant Scientist
Ages 10 - 15. July 11, 2011
AR: 8.4 (2.0 Points, Quiz #144396)
GLE: 11.9

Book 33: The Polar Bear Scientists
Ages 10 - 15. January 10, 2012
AR: 8.3 (4.0 Points, Quiz #148272)

Book 34: The Mighty Mars Rovers: The Incredible Adventures of Spirit and Opportunity
Ages 10 - 15. June 19, 2012
AR: 6.4 (3.0 Points, Quiz #151231)

Book 35: Wild Horse Scientists
Ages 10 - 15. November 6, 2012
AR: 8.4 (3.0 Points, Quiz #154663)

Book 36: Eruption! Volcanoes and the Science of Saving Lives
Ages 10 - 15. June 18, 2013
AR: 6.9 (3.0 Points, Quiz #158671)

Book 37: The Tapir Scientist: Saving South America's Largest Mammal
Ages 10 - 15. July 23, 2013
AR: 6.4 (3.0 Points, Quiz #159530)

Book 38: The Dolphins of Shark Bay
Ages 10 - 15. November 5, 2013
AR: 6.2 (3.0 Points, Quiz #161223)

Book 39: Sea Turtle Scientist
Ages 10 - 15. January 7, 2014
AR: 7.1 (3.0 Points, Quiz #163459)

Book 40: Chasing Cheetahs: The Race to Save Africa's Fastest Cat
Ages 10 - 15. April 1, 2014
AR: 6.5 (3.0 Points, Quiz #164498)

Book 41: Park Scientists: Gila Monsters, Geysers, and Grizzly Bears in America's Own Backyard
Ages 10 - 15. May 13, 2014
AR: 7.0 (3.0 Points, Quiz #165203)

Book 42: Beetle Busters: A Rogue Insect and the People Who Track It
Ages 10 - 15. October 7, 2014
AR: 7.3 (2.0 Points, Quiz #169508)

Book 43: The Next Wave: The Quest to Harness the Power of the Oceans
Ages 10 - 15. October 7, 2014
AR: 7.0 (3.0 Points, Quiz #169660)

Book 44: The Octopus Scientists: Exploring the Mind of a Mollusk
Ages 10 - 15. May 26, 2015

Book 45: Call of the Osprey
Ages 10 - 15. June 2, 2015

Book 46: Inside Biosphere 2: Earth Science Under Glass
Ages 10 - 15. October 13, 2015

Book 47: The Great White Shark Scientist
Ages 10 - 15. June 7, 2016

Book 48: Crow Smarts: Inside the Brain of the World's Brightest Bird
Ages 10 - 15. August 2, 2016

Book 49: Mission to Pluto: The First Visit to an Ice Dwarf and the Kuiper Belt
Ages 10 - 15. January 10, 2017

Book 50: Eye of the Storm: NASA, Drones, and the Race to Crack the Hurricane Code
Ages 10 - 15. April 25, 2017

Book 51: Amazon Adventure: How Tiny Fish Are Saving the World's Largest Rainforest
Ages 10 - 15. July 4, 2017

Book 52: Impact!: Asteroids and the Science of Saving the World
Ages 10 - 15. November 14, 2017

Book 53: Life on Surtsey: Iceland's Upstart Island
Ages 10 - 15. November 14, 2017

Book 54: The Hyena Scientist
Ages 10 - 15. May 15, 2018

Book 55: The Orca Scientists
Ages 10 - 15. July 24, 2018

Book 56: Backyard Bears: Conservation, Habitat Changes, and the Rise of Urban Wildlife
Ages 10 - 15. October 23, 2018

Book 57: The Tornado Scientist
Ages 10 - 15. March 19, 2019

Book 58: Saving the Tasmanian Devil: How Science Is Helping the World's Largest Marsupial Carnivore Survive
Ages 10 - 15. August 20, 2019

Book 59: Eclipse Chaser: Science in the Moon's Shadow
Ages 10 - 15. December 10, 2019

Book 60: Condor Comeback
Ages 10 - 15. July 28, 2020

Book 61: The Big One: The Cascadia Earthquakes and the Science of Saving Lives
Ages 10 - 15. August 18, 2020

Book Sets: Sets of Up to 61 Books

List of Awards:

National Science Teachers Association/Children's Book Council Outstanding Science Trade Book for Children
NSTA-CBC Outstanding Science Trade Book
New York Times Recommended Science Book
Children's Literature Choice Book
Junior Library Guild Selection
2012 Robert F. Sibert Honor Book

Other Websites for Additional Information:

Official or Publisher Website for Scientists in the Field Series
Author Website for Stephen R. Swinburne
Author Website for Sy Montgomery
Author Website for Nic Bishop
Author Website for Donna M. Jackson
Author Website for Kenneth Mallory
Author Website for Mary Batten
Author Website for Ellen Jackson
Author Website for Elinor Osborn
Author Website for April Pulley Sayre
Author Website for Pamela S. Turner
Author Website for Sneed B. Collard III
Author Website for Loree Griffin Burns
Author Website for Mary Kay Carson
Author Website for Peter Lourie
Author Website for Caitlin O'Connell
Author Website for Elizabeth Rusch
Author Website for Kay Frydenborg
Author Website for Bridget Heos
Author Website for Dorothy Hinshaw Patent
Author Website for Amy Cherrix
Author Website for Kim Perez Valice
Author Website for Ilima Loomis


Page Last Updated: October 22, 2024

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