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Redwall, Book 17: Rakkety Tam
Redwall Series Book #17 of 22
Author: Brian Jacques
Illustrators: Gary Chalk, Troy Howell

Book Info

Published on January 1, 2004
Age Group: 9 - 15 years
Reading Level: AR: 5.5 (16.0 Points, Quiz #81927)
GLE: 6.4
DRA: 60
Lexile® measure: 860L

Two warrior squirrels lead the battle against Gulo, a bloodthirsty wolverine who will stop at nothing to recover the Walking Stone that will give him the authority to rule the lands of ice beyond the Great Sea.

Excerpt/First Sentence(s):
Shrieking like a thousand wild eagles, the blizzard drove mountainous grey, white-crested waves before it. The powerful ship thundered southward-mast timbers groaning, rigging lines thrumming and sails stretched to bursting point-leaving behind it the lands of ice and snow. A murderer was pursuing a thief. Gulo the Savage was hunting down his brother, Askor!

Publisher Description:
There has never been a Redwall hero quite like Rakkety Tam, the roguish Highlander squirrel who sets off for Mossflower Wood on a mercenary errand and loses his heart to the charms of Redwall Abbey. And there's never been a villain quite like Gulo the Savage: a vicious beast-eating wolverine who descends upon the Abbey in search of a relic called the Walking Stone. Readers will cheer at the return of the Long Patrol, the antics of a renegade vole thief, and the emergence of a new champion to wield the sword of Martin.

As fans of Brian Jacques and Redwall know, the adventures just keep getting bigger and better.

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372 pages. List price $23.99
ISBN-10: 0399237259
ISBN-13: 9780399237256
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384 pages. List price $8.99
ISBN-10: 014240683X
ISBN-13: 9780142406830
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