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Redwall, Book 18: High Rhulain
Redwall Series Book #18 of 22
Author: Brian Jacques
Illustrators: Gary Chalk, Troy Howell

Book Info

Published on January 1, 2005
Age Group: 9 - 15 years
Reading Level: AR: 5.5 (15.0 Points, Quiz #102037)
GLE: 6.4
DRA: 60
Lexile® measure: 880L

Following a dream, the young ottermaid Tiria travels from Redwall to the Green Isle, where otters have long been enslaved by feral cats but fight back as they await the High Rhulain, a savior whose coming was foretold.

Excerpt/First Sentence(s):
The wind moaned like a wounded beast in the southwest. Gathering speed, it ripped over the heaving ocean, smashing the dark wavecrests to boiling foam. Evening skies darkened as the bruised heavy underbellies of cloudbanks tumbled into a chaotic stampede of black and leaden grey. Lightning scarred the skies. Thunder boomed out, like the sound of mountains cracking from peak to base. On Green Isle, the still waters of loughs and streams were whipped over their banks, flattening and saturating reed and sedge. Leaves showered widespread as trees shook their heads, goaded by the gale into an insane dance.

Publisher Description:
The otters of Green Isle have long been enslaved to the Wildcat Riggu Felis and his catguards, who torture the otters at every opportunity. The otters trudge on, waiting for the day their savior will arrive - the prophesized High Rhulain, who will lead them in battle and a return to glory. Meanwhile, young Tiria Wildlough, an ottermaid at Redwall Abbey, pines for her chance to learn the ways of the warrior,much against the wishes of her father. But when an injured osprey arrives at the Abbey, seeking help for its wounds and carrying tales of an embattled clan of otters, young Tiria knows what she must do. . . .

The latest tale of Redwall from
New York Times bestselling writer Brian Jacques is an empowering story of adventure and heroism sure to keep readers riveted through the final page.

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341 pages. List price $23.99
ISBN-10: 0399242082
ISBN-13: 9780399242083
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ISBN-10: 0142409383
ISBN-13: 9780142409381
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