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Redwall, Book 19: Eulalia!
Redwall Series Book #19 of 22
Author: Brian Jacques
Illustrators: Gary Chalk, Troy Howell

Book Info

Published on October 4, 2007
Age Group: 9 - 15 years
Reading Level: AR: 6.0 (18.0 Points, Quiz #118057)
GLE: 5.7
DRA: 60
Lexile® measure: 890L

On his way to invade Redwall Abbey, vicious and tyrannical Captain Vizka Longtooth captures Gorath, the brave young badger whose predicted destiny is to become the next Badger Lord.

Excerpt/First Sentence(s):
It was a night for raiding. Beneath a dark, moonless sky, high seas ran grey and smooth to the shores of the Northern Isles. With her big single sail bellying smoothly, the vessel Bludgullet nosed shoreward, like some huge seabeast seeking its prey in coastal waters. Perched at the masthead, straddling the mainsail spar, the lookout, a small rat called Firty, was first to glimpse the glimmering, golden light on the far side of the saltmarshes. Noting the position of the illumination, he slid skillfully down a rope to the gently heaving deck.

Publisher Book Description:
Lord Asheye of Salamandastron, now old and blind, has a prophecy: a new Badger Lord must take his place and reign over the legendary badger fortress. But who is this young warrior who 'shuns both armour and sword'? And how is he to be found? Mad Maudie, a feisty haremaid of the Long Patrol, is just the one to do the job. Meanwhile, the unsuspecting future Badger Lord has been captured by an unscrupulous group of Sea Raiders led by the infamous fox, Vizka Longtooth, intent on conquering Redwall Abbey. It is up to our young badger hero to defend Redwall so that he may fulfill his destiny as leader of Salamandastron.

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