Redwall    Author: Brian JacquesNumber of Books in Series: 22 main books + 2 companion books Age Group: 9 - 15 years Reading Level: | AR 5.0-6.3 GLE 5.5-7.8 F&P/GRL X-Z DRA 60-70
Book 1 Summary: When the peaceful life of ancient Redwall Abbey is shattered by the arrival of the evil rat Cluny and his villainous hordes, Matthias, a young mouse, determines to find the legendary sword of Martin the Warrior which, he is convinced, will help Redwall's inhabitants destroy the enemy.
Redwall Book List:
This series should be read in the correct order listed here.
Book 11: | Redwall, Book 11: Marlfox Ages 9 - 15. December 28, 1998 AR: 5.7 (17.0 Points, Quiz #28453) GLE: 6.9; F&P/GRL: Z; DRA: 70
Book 15: | Redwall, Book 15: Triss Ages 9 - 15. September 30, 2002 AR: 5.8 (17.0 Points, Quiz #63024) GLE: 7.1; F&P/GRL: Z; DRA: 70
Best Seller Lists:
New York Times best-seller list
Film/Television/Theatrical Adaptations:
2000 Animated TV Movie: Redwall: The Movie
Adapted into TV series that ran in 1999 Animated TV Series: Redwall
Adapted into TV series that ran in 2000 Animated TV Series: Mattimeo: A Tale of Redwall
Adapted into TV series that ran in 2001 Animated TV Series: Martin the Warrior: A Tale of Redwall
Other Websites for Additional Information:
Official or Publisher Website for Redwall Series