Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #151: The Chocolate-Covered Contest
Nancy Drew Mystery Stories Series Book #151 of 175 in publication order (switch to alphabetical order)
Author: Carolyn Keene
Published on September 1, 1999 | Age Group: 8 - 14 years | Reading Level: | AR: 4.3 (4.0 Points, Quiz #32350) F&P/GRL: S |
Excerpt/First Sentence(s):
"No way," George said. "Nobody really wins those contests, do they?"
"Not nobody, but pretty close." Nancy squinted at the fine print on the wrapper. "'Number of grand prizes awarded: One,'" she read. "'Odds of winning the grand prize: approximately one in four million four hundred thousand.'"
Noah's mouth dropped open. "Wow."
"If you're not going to eat your candy, Bess, could I have it?" Kenny took the chocolate from Bess's limp hand. "Thanks."
Tyler elbowed his way to Bess's side. "Let me see."
"No, I want to see," Emma said.
Bess swallowed hard. "Just a second." She held the wrapper over their heads. "I'll read it to you: 'The grand prize includes one million dollars in cash, one trip for four to Kings Commons Amusement Park in Royal, Illinois, and thirty Crown Jewels bars per month for twelve months. Employees of Royal Chocolates or Kings Commons and their immediate families are not eligible to win. To claim your prize, make a photocopy of the winning wrapper. Mail the original to - '"
"That building right over there," George finished for her, pointing to Royal Chocolates headquarters.
Noah was scribbling numbers in his notebook. "Do you realize, Bess, that if there are ten thousand people at Kings Commons today - and I bet there are judging by the length of these lines - you'd have to fill up about four hundred amusement parks this size to find four million people? So to be the lucky one out of four million is pretty astronomical."
Publisher Description:
Nancy is about to learn the real meaning of "Death by Chocolate"
Nancy can hardly believe it. While visiting an amusement park owned by the world-famous Royal Chocolates Company, her friend Bess tears open a million-dollar candy wrapper in a contest. But when they go to collect, they're told that someone else has won. And then they're accused of tampering with the winning wrapper!
Something is rotten in chocolatetown. The proof comes when Nancy and her friends are treated to a near-death experience in the park's animal safari. Someone's pulling a million-dollar swindle, and getting Nancy and her friends out of the way seems to be the icing on the cake.
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