Jackie Chan Adventures  Authors: based on teleplay by John Rodgers, Eliza Willard, based on teleplay by David Slack, Cathy West, Duane Capizzi, Megan Stine, Jacqueline Carrol, Long Cheng, Jim Thomas, R. S. Ashby, Greg Klein, Tom Pugsley, Alexx Van Dyne, based on teleplay by Duane Capizzi, Judy Katschke, based on teleplay by Alexx Van Dyne, Elizabeth HurchallaNumber of Books in Series: 12 main books + 4 companion books Age Group: 6 - 10 years No reading level information available. Jackie Chan is an archaeologist and martial arts expert. With help from his niece Jade and others, he reluctantly works as a secret agent for the spy group Section 13 to save the world from evil and supernatural forces.
Jackie Chan Adventures Book List:
This series should be read in the correct order listed here.
Film/Television/Theatrical Adaptations:
Adapted from TV series that ran in 2000 to 2005: Jackie Chan Adventures
Other Websites for Additional Information:
Author Website for Eliza Willard
Author Website for Megan Stine