Fly Guy Presents  Author: Tedd ArnoldNumber of Books in Series: 13 main books + 1 companion book so far Age Group: 5 - 8 years Reading Level: | AR 2.8-4.1 GLE 2.0-3.0 F&P/GRL K-N DRA 18-30
Book 1 Summary: Buzz and Fly Guy visit the aquarium, where they learn facts about sharks, including how they breathe in water, what they eat, and how they take care of their young.-- Source other than Library of Congress.
Fly Guy Presents Book List:
This series can be read in any order.
Book 1: | Fly Guy Presents: Sharks Ages 5 - 8. April 30, 2013 AR: 2.8 (0.5 Points, Quiz #158543) GLE: 3.0; F&P/GRL: M; DRA: 24
Book 2: | Fly Guy Presents: Space Ages 5 - 8. August 27, 2013 AR: 3.3 (0.5 Points, Quiz #161021) GLE: 2.0; F&P/GRL: K; DRA: 18
Best Seller Lists:
New York Times best-seller list
Other Websites for Additional Information:
Author Website for Tedd Arnold