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The Dragon King #3: The Sword and the Flame
The Dragon King Trilogy Book #3 of 3
Author: Stephen R. Lawhead

Book Info

Published in 1984
Age Group: 12 years and up
Reading Level: AR: 5.5 (17.0 Points, Quiz #18551)

The world is turned upside-down when the dark sorcerer Nimrood returns with a fearsome plan. Shattered by the death of a dear and trusted friend, the abduction of his beloved son, and the loss of his enchanted sword, Quentin finds his faith tested like never before. In 'The Sword and the Flame', the final volume of the Dragon King Trilogy, the fate of the entire world depends on the outcome of this climactic battle between good and evil.

Excerpt/First Sentence(s):
The hunched figure toiled up the winding trail leaning heavily upon his long crooked staff, stopping frequently to rest and to look down upon the placid lowlands, gazing toward the west in the direction of Askelon. He was an old man of years beyond counting, dressed in the robes and cowl of a priest. The hood threw a dark shadow across his features, and though the day was hot and the sun bright, he did not uncover his head but went on his way wrapped head to toe. Seen from a distance he might have been a black beetle scrabbling up a hillock bearing the weight of his burdensome shell.

When he reached the summit of the plateau he sat down on a rock beneath an ancient wind-worn tree that threw its sparse, gnarled branches over the road. Many a pilgrim had sat there upon that rock to offer up a prayer to the gods for a fortuitous oracle.

But this traveler was no pilgrim and offered no prayers.

Instead, he sat and with narrowed eyes gazed out over the countryside. The air sang with bird-song and shimmered as the heat rose in waves from the land. In the misty blue distance his sharp eagle's vision could see the dark green line of Pelgrin Forest, lying like a vast green sea away to the west. In the valley below, peasants labored in the fields among their new crops. Their shouts to their lazy oxen drifted up the side of the hill like petitions to an unhearing god.

Publisher Description:
Amidst ancient halls of stone, an age-old evil stirs. With a cunning more potent than sorcery, Nimrood the Necromancer has returned, bent on a monstrous vendetta that would strip Quentin of everything he holds dear. His loved ones, his faith, Zhaligkeer, the sword of his kingship, and ultimately, the kingdom itself, sway in the balance as Quentin, unguarded and alone, races toward a confrontation with his cruelest foe.

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