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The Dragon King #1: In the Hall of the Dragon King
The Dragon King Trilogy Book #1 of 3
Author: Stephen R. Lawhead

Book Info

Published in 1982
Age Group: 12 years and up
Reading Level: AR: 6.6 (18.0 Points, Quiz #18549)

With the help of the Most High God, young Quentin undertakes an important mission to rescue the Dragon King Eskevar from the traitorous Prince Jaspin and the evil necromancer Nimrood.

Excerpt/First Sentence(s):
The snow lay deep and undisturbed beneath the silver light of a dawning sky. Overhead, a raven surveyed a silent landscape as its black wings feathered the cold, thin air. The bird's rasping call was the only sound to be heard for miles, breaking the frozen solitude in irregular staccato. All around, the land lay asleep in the depths of winter.

Every bear, every fox, hare, and squirrel was warm in its rustic nest. Cattle and horses stood contented in their stalls, heads drooping in slumber or quietly munching the first of the day's provender. In the country, smoke drifted from peasant huts into the windless sky from rough-hewn chimneys, sent aloft from hearth fires tended through the night. The village, clustered close about the mighty walls of Askelon Castle, slept in pristine splendor, a princess safe in the arms of her protector.

All through the land nothing moved, nothing stirred, save the raven wheeling slowly overhead.

Publisher Description:
A dying knight's urgent plea propels a disenchanted young acolyte into a deadly mission. On the shoulders of the unsuspecting Quentin rests the course of a kingdom; and ahead of him, a quest that will lead him out of the darkness of the old gods . . . and into undreamed-of spheres of conflict, magic, and light.

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