Follow the adventures of a mischievous little monkey named George who lives in the city with the man in the yellow hat. The original series of 7+1 books were written and illustrated by the husband-wife team H. A. and Margret Rey. Additional books were later written and illustrated by a number of other people in a style similar to those original books. Those later books are often still credited to H.A. and Margret Rey on the book covers, but are not actually written by them. A number of those books were adapted from stories in the Curious George television series, some with Margret Rey as one of the editors. In addition, there are board books featuring the same beloved monkey character but are written for younger children (from babies to preschoolers). We have these books listed as 3 separate series to make it easier for some of our readers who might be looking specifically for one of the sub-sets.
Curious George New Adventures Book List:
This series can be read in any order.
List of Awards:
Daytime Emmy Award for the TV series
Best Seller Lists:
USA Today best-seller list
Film/Television/Theatrical Adaptations:
1980: A Series of Animated Television Films featuring the Curious George character
2006 Animated Film: Curious George
2009 Animated Film: Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey!
Adapted into TV series that ran in 2006-2013: Curious George
Other Websites for Additional Information:
Official or Publisher Website for Curious George New Adventures Series