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Castaways of the Flying Dutchman, Book 2: The Angel's Command
Castaways of the Flying Dutchman Series Book #2 of 3
Author: Brian Jacques
Illustrator: David Elliot

Book Info

Published on January 8, 2003
Age Group: 10 - 15 years
Reading Level: AR: 5.2 (15.0 Points, Quiz #68070)
GLE: 7.1
Lexile® measure: 770L

The new Castaways novel comes alive-Redwall fashion-with a magnificent romp on the sea, and another in the robber-filled mountains of Spain! Ben and Ned, the boy and dog who were sent on an angel's errand in Castaways of the Flying Dutchman, find themselves on board a Frenchman's pirate ship, pursued by not one but two ships-an English privateer and a Spanish buccaneer. They finally escape into the Pyrenees, only to stumble into an even more challenging adventure that takes them into very heart of the mountains, where they-and their new companions, a painter and a gypsy girl-must face the most evil robber of them all: the legendary Maguda Razan.

Excerpt/First Sentence(s):
Great and golden, like an enormous, newly minted doubloon, the Caribbean sun presided over the waterfront. Ships of all nations, from salt-crushed skiffs to stately galleons, bobbed on their moorings, each craft facing bow onto the harbour wall. Children clambered and played upon the bronze cannons fronting the jade and aquamarine waters of the wide Caribbean sea. Along the dusty quayfront fishing boats unloaded their catches straight to the stalls. Noise and bustle were everywhere. Women sold plantains, melons, coconuts, and an amazing variety of exotic fruits and vegetables. Parrots squawked and monkeys chattered from their cages of split bamboo. Men squatted in the shade, bargaining for spices, rum, snuff and tobacco. Young girls danced and sang to the music of guitars and drums, cajoling coins from passersby.

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384 pages. List price $23.99
ISBN-10: 0399239995
ISBN-13: 9780399239991
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384 pages. List price $7.99
ISBN-10: 0142402850
ISBN-13: 9780142402856
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