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Black Lagoon Adventures Series
Author: Mike Thaler
Illustrator: Jared Lee
Number of Books in Series: 32 so far
Age Group: 7 - 10 years

Reading Level: AR Levels 2.4-3.8
GLE 2.0-4.3
DRA 20-38
Lexile® measure 470L-750L
Companion/Related Series: Black Lagoon

Book 1 Summary: A young boy's imagined school trip makes the real trip look mundane.


Black Lagoon Adventures Book List:

Each story in this series can stand on its own, but the books are numbered which often means that there will be some minor details that carry over from earlier to later books, such as a new character being introduced in a book and reappearing in a later book when the readers are expected to have already met him/her. It's probably best to read these books in order but it's not critical.

Jump to Books: 11-20  21-30  31-32  

Book 1: The Class Trip from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2002.
AR: 3.2 (0.5 Point, Quiz #83155);  GLE: 3.6
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 660L

Book 2: The Talent Show from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2003.
AR: 3.2 (0.5 Point, Quiz #82424);  GLE: 3.5
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 620L

Book 3: The Class Election from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2003.
AR: 3.3 (0.5 Point, Quiz #83154);  GLE: 2.6
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 560L

Book 4: The Science Fair from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2004.
AR: 3.8 (0.5 Point, Quiz #83753);  GLE: 3.5
F&P/GRL: O;  DRA: 34
Lexile measure: 670L

Book 5: The Halloween Party from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2004.
AR: 3.4 (0.5 Point, Quiz #101504);  GLE: 2.9
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 670L

Book 6: The Field Day from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2005.
AR: 3.6 (0.5 Point, Quiz #101503);  GLE: 3.3
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 680L

Book 7: The School Carnival from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2005.
AR: 3.0 (0.5 Point, Quiz #105847);  GLE: 2.5
Lexile measure: 590L

Book 8: Valentine's Day from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2006.
AR: 3.1 (0.5 Point, Quiz #105868);  GLE: 2.5
F&P/GRL: L;  DRA: 20
Lexile measure: 600L

Book 9: The Christmas Party from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2006.
AR: 3.4 (0.5 Point, Quiz #112708);  GLE: 2.3
F&P/GRL: O;  DRA: 34
Lexile measure: 690L

Book 10: The Little League Team from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2007.
AR: 2.5 (0.5 Point, Quiz #116104);  GLE: 2.5
F&P/GRL: O;  DRA: 34
Lexile measure: 560L
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Book 11: The Snow Day from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2008.
AR: 2.6 (0.5 Point, Quiz #121152);  GLE: 4.3
F&P/GRL: O;  DRA: 34
Lexile measure: 700L

Book 12: April Fools' Day from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2008.
AR: 3.8 (0.5 Point, Quiz #122337);  GLE: 3.8
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: NC750L

Book 13: Back-to-School Fright from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2008.
AR: 3.4 (0.5 Point, Quiz #126235);  GLE: 3.3
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 580L

Book 14: The New Year's Eve Sleepover from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2008.
AR: 2.6 (0.5 Point, Quiz #128886);  GLE: 2.3
F&P/GRL: P;  DRA: 38
Lexile measure: 470L

Book 15: The Spring Dance from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2009.
AR: 2.4 (0.5 Point, Quiz #131621);  GLE: 2.3
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 560L

Book 16: The Thanksgiving Day from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2009.
AR: 2.7 (0.5 Point, Quiz #133841);  GLE: 2.3
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 580L

Book 17: The Summer Vacation from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2010.
AR: 2.5 (0.5 Point, Quiz #137620);  GLE: 2.3
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 510L

Book 18: The Author Visit from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2010.
AR: 3.6 (0.5 Point, Quiz #141452);  GLE: 2.7
F&P/GRL: P;  DRA: 38
Lexile measure: 590L

Book 19: St. Patrick's Day From The Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2011.
AR: 3.5 (0.5 Point, Quiz #142963);  GLE: 2.9
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 580L

Book 20: The School Play from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2011.
AR: 2.6 (0.5 Point, Quiz #147815);  GLE: 2.4
F&P/GRL: O;  DRA: 34
Lexile measure: 560L
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Book 21: 100th Day of School from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2012.
AR: 2.8 (0.5 Point, Quiz #149654);  GLE: 2.8
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 570L

Book 22: The Class Picture Day from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2012.
AR: 2.6 (0.5 Point, Quiz #155346);  GLE: 2.2
F&P/GRL: O;  DRA: 34
Lexile measure: 510L

Book 23: Earth Day from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2013.
AR: 3.1 (0.5 Point, Quiz #158073);  GLE: 3.1
F&P/GRL: O;  DRA: 34
Lexile measure: 560L

Book 24: The Summer Camp from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2013.
AR: 2.9 (0.5 Point, Quiz #166502)
Lexile measure: 560L

Book 25: Friday the 13th from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2013.
AR: 2.8 (0.5 Point, Quiz #161903);  GLE: 2.5
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 570L

Book 26: The Big Game from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2013.
AR: 2.9 (0.5 Point, Quiz #162927);  GLE: 2.9
Lexile measure: 550L

Book 27: The Amusement Park from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2014.
AR: 2.6 (0.5 Point, Quiz #166172);  GLE: 2.6
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 540L

Book 28: The Secret Santa from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2014.
AR: 3.1 (0.5 Point, Quiz #171459);  GLE: 2
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 570L

Book 29: Groundhog Day From The Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2015.
AR: 3.3 (0.5 Point, Quiz #171458);  GLE: 3
F&P/GRL: O;  DRA: 34
Lexile measure: 600L

Book 30: The Reading Challenge from the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2015.
AR: 3.0 (0.5 Point, Quiz #173314);  GLE: 3
F&P/GRL: O;  DRA: 34
Lexile measure: 540L
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Book 31: Trick or Treat From the Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2015.
AR: 3.5 (0.5 Point, Quiz #176798);  GLE: 2
F&P/GRL: O;  DRA: 34
Lexile measure: 580L

Book 32: The Pool Party From The Black Lagoon
Ages 7-10. 2016.
AR: 2.8 (0.5 Point, Quiz #182767);  GLE: 2
F&P/GRL: N;  DRA: 30
Lexile measure: 560L

Book Sets: Sets of Up to 32 Books

Other Websites for Additional Information:

Author Website for Mike Thaler


Page Last Updated: November 29, 2020

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