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American Girl Samantha
Authors: Susan S. Adler, Maxine Rose Schur, Valerie Tripp
Number of Books in Series: 6 main books + 1 companion book
Age Group: 8 - 12 years

Reading Level: AR 3.7-4.3
GLE 4.2-5.1
DRA 40

Book 1 Summary: In 1904, nine-year-old Samantha, an orphan living with her wealthy grandmother, and her servant friend Nellie have a midnight adventure when they try to find out what has happened to the seamstress who suddenly left her job.


American Girl Samantha Book List:

This series should be read in the correct order listed here.

Book 1: American Girl Samantha #1: Meet Samantha
Ages 8 - 12. January 1, 1986
AR: 3.8 (1.0 Points, Quiz #427)
GLE: 4.2;  F&P/GRL: Q;  DRA: 40

Book 2: American Girl Samantha #2: Samantha Learns a Lesson
Ages 8 - 12. January 1, 1986
AR: 4.3 (1.0 Points, Quiz #495)
GLE: 4.2

Book 3: American Girl Samantha #3: Samantha's Surprise
Ages 8 - 12. January 1, 1986
AR: 3.9 (1.0 Points, Quiz #687)
GLE: 4.8;  F&P/GRL: Q;  DRA: 40

Book 4: American Girl Samantha #4: Happy Birthday, Samantha!
Ages 8 - 12. January 1, 1987
AR: 3.7 (1.0 Points, Quiz #5018)
GLE: 5.1;  F&P/GRL: Q;  DRA: 40

Book 5: American Girl Samantha #5: Samantha Saves the Day
Ages 8 - 12. June 1, 1988
AR: 3.8 (1.0 Points, Quiz #5241)
GLE: 4.5;  F&P/GRL: Q;  DRA: 40

Book 6: American Girl Samantha #6: Changes for Samantha
Ages 8 - 12. January 1, 1988
AR: 3.9 (1.0 Points, Quiz #5409)
GLE: 4.3;  F&P/GRL: Q;  DRA: 40

Companion Book: Nellie's Promise
Ages 8 - 12. August 1, 2004
AR: 4.6 (2.0 Points, Quiz #88628)

Book Sets: Sets of Up to 7 Books

Other Websites for Additional Information:

Author Website for Maxine Rose Schur
Author Website for Valerie Tripp


Page Last Updated: October 22, 2024

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